Additive Manufacturing Technologies






DFAB® is a 3D printer developed for dental clinics and laboratories. It makes the production of natural-looking dental prosthetics far simpler compared with traditional methods.This 3D printer saves you time by providing an instant personalised 3D printing service, thanks to our patented DWS Photoshade technology. Working from an .stl file obtained from intraoral scanning or from a model, complete control over prosthesis colour and shading allows you to reproduce an individual patient’s tooth shade exactly for the most natural result. The operator can select the required shading boundaries using colour codes from A1 to A3.5 from the VITA1 shade guide, and the exact position and width of the desired gradient, with complete control across the entire surface. The Nauta Photoshade software generates a preview in real time and upon confirmation, executes the 3D print to obtain the most realistic result possible. Thanks to the high accuracy and precision, DFAB® ensures an accurate fit and correct occlusion.Its high printing speed enables the system to produce a bridge with up to five elements in less than twenty minutes, so treatment can be completed in a single appointment. The prosthesis obtained is ready for fitting into the patient’s mouth after a few finishing touches: easy removal of supports, washing in alcohol, a few minutes’ final UV treatment, and polishing.

DFAB® uses disposable cartridges of Temporis®2 Class IIa-certified biocompatible material. Recent studies show that this material’s compression resistance is comparable with the resins used in well-established hybrid composites3 for long-term restoration. The ready-to-use cartridges are designed to avoid waste and contamination of the material.Its simple, modern design makes DFAB® a distinctive feature of any dental clinic. The 3D printer operates silently and dust-free, and requires no maintenance, installation, or tool changes. It is available in desktop and chairside versions with integrated computer and 7-inch touch screen.1 All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.2 Polymer considered a Class IIa long-term invasive medical device per Rule 5, Annex IX of Medical Devices Directive 93/42/EEC.3 Alharbi, Nawal, Reham Osman, and Daniel Wismeijer. "Effects of build direction on the mechanical properties of 3D-printed complete coverage interim dental restorations.” The Journal of prosthetic dentistry 115.6 (2016): 760-767.


Main Features

Class-IIa-certified2 restorations in a single appointment
Prints a bridge with up to 5 elements in less than 20 minutes
Photoshade technology reproduces the natural shade of the client’s teeth
Ready-to-use disposable cartridges
High speed and high precision
Easy to use
Simple and intuitive user interface
No adjustment required
No maintenance cost

Available in desktop and chairside versions
Chairside versionSLA (stereolithography) technologyPrinting area: 47 x 18 x 40 mmControl software: Nauta Photoshade parametric editorOperating system: Windows 10 built in7-inch touchscreen displayInput file formats: .stl, .nauta, .fictorPrinter dimensions: 480 x 480 x 1142 mmWeight: 40 KgOperating temperature/humidity: 15-25°C / 60%Power consumption: 200 W


Desktop version
SLA (stereolithography) technologyPrinting area: 47 x 18 x 40 mmControl software: Nauta Photoshade parametric editorOperating system: Windows 7 and aboveInput file formats: .stl, .nauta, .fictorPrinter dimensions: 300 x 300 x 307 mmWeight: 15 KgOperating temperature/humidity: 15-25°C / 60%Power consumption: 160 W





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